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Février 17, 1989

Allen Michael Machuca was born on Febuary 17, 1989 in Seminole, TX and  passed away on July 16, 2009 in Amarillo, TX.


Febuary 17, 1989- Allen was born to Norma Garza and Robert Machuca and  Allen lived in Seminole, TX for the first part of his tender younger years.  Allen has 2 brother's Robert Machuca and Brandon Saavedra and 1 sister Marissa Saavedra.  Allen at the age of 4 attended Head Start and at the age of 5 began to play tee-ball.  I new then that this boy was going to be a heck of a ball player. Allen also attended F.J. Young Elementary  for a short period of time.

In 1997- Allen moved to Lubbock, Tx in his early years where he attended Crestview Elementary at the age of 8.  Allen in his early teen years attended Irons Middle School and that is where he first started  to play football.  Allen was great in everything he did and was well loved by all.  Allen was always cheerful and always had such an unforgettable beautiful smile, you just couldn't pay this boy not to smile or laugh!  We remember when Allen went to Irons middle school he didn't exactly break the ice with his lovely charm and awesome smile. So one day dad went to his class to leave lunch money and dad knocked pretty loud at his classroom door (keep in mind that dad work for STARS; a teen boot-camp) as dad walked in all the students were froze (as a few knew who David was SGT. FLORES) little did they know that he was Allen's dad. So Allen was called by dad to step out of the room for a minute and outside the classroom, David gave him his lunch money. Dad didn't understand why Allen was banging on his locker which just happened to be next to his class. Anyway, later that afternoon his teacher called me and stated that she didn't know that Allen was in teeenaged boot-camp and on probation....I was he isnn"t...well Allen had walked in his classroom after dad left and as all the students were staring, he commented...oh that was just my P.O. checking in on me..someone lite a car on fire and he thought it was all the students were, dude! and they just thought he was the coolest bad kid of Irons Middle School. That was Allen, a character. Shortly after a time, Allen attended Lubbock Cooper where he actually first noticed he was an outstanding athlete (I will never forget as he always remembered when he stopped that winning touchdown) he was on cloud 9!  We always told him he was good but, Allen being Allen he just loved and had to hear it over and over up until his last day.  Allen also played for a short time for Friendship High.   Dad and I  will never forget when he had a football game (as we never let him live it down) when he played against Cavazos jr. high.   Allen was wide receiver and when he caught the pass, he realized there were two huge big (according to Allen) guys coming to tackle him so he stopped and tied his shoes in the middle of his play....he was tackled and as fast as he went down he got up...he took one look at me and slowly fell and passed out flat on the field and having mom on the side lines didn't help!  Needless to say Allen was carried to the training room and I nearly got kicked off the field and out the game for yelling at them boy's!  During Allen's teen years in Lubbock I speak of a special man who became a huge part of Allen's life his dad, David Flores.  It didn't take long at all for David to fall in love with Allen as Allen did with David and with his step-brother Christopher.  My kid was awesome as he was the first to very warm welcome Christopher in to our family and who made our family transition easy. 


In 2004- we all relocated to Amarillo, TX  where Allen attended Amarillo High School and where he also graduated in May of 2008.  Allen also played football and Basketball for Amarillo High where he was also an outstanding player.  Allen had a gift with his hands and often wouldn't see it.  Allen carried that unforgettable laugh and smile with him here to Amarillo where he was loved by many.  Allen's mischeivious humor was over shadowed by his deep sweetness.  And anyone who ever came across with Allen either became a good friend or simply just a good memory!  Amarillo became home for Allen as he worked for Home Depot for several years and it's where he also met his first love Taylor Waltersheid.  I will never forget the look in his eyes when he said "Mom, I met the girl of my dreams"  I replied, "Allen, that's what you said about Lubbock".   He just giggled with his crazy laugh and said, "No, it's Taylor" I promise and I will love her for the rest of my life, and that my son you did.  My son was blessed to have met Taylor and share nearly 4 yrs. together.  

Shortly after Allen graduated he and his older brother Robert decided to share an apartment together.  I remember when Allen stated "I can't wait to move on my own" no rules; no nothing and I am not coming back to visit in a long time.  Well after 3 short days Allen was homesick and he came home to stay the night several nights out of the week...I said son, at least give us a chance to miss you and "I thought u were not coming home for a while"...Allen replied "well mom, I know you miss me and I don't want you sad (yea, ok boy).   Allen was just a great kid  who loved the outdoors playing flag football, boxing, ufc, basketball and enjoyed so much the lakes and the mountains and bike riding at Palo Duro Canyons.  Every chance he could he would get our family together to camp out all day at the canyons, it was a passion of his.   Allen, also enjoyed hanging out with all his friends and never liked to turn anyone down.  He made plans with different friends each day of the week as each individual friend meant something to him.  This boy lived every second of his life to the fullest.  Allen, also loved his family and loved the time spent.  Every child of mine is loving and unique in his/her way and brings something different and Allen was my mischievious strong- willed, fearless and  yet so loveable but a tough kid who didn't like to blurr his "I love you's" to us where everyone could always hear him but, showed his true love for each one of us in only ways that only we as his family will ever know and will forever cherish for the rest of our lives.  Allen was a huge part of our families lives and a big part of many lives and will never be forgotten.  Allen's name and memory will live on forever as I am currently working on setting up a fund at "Palo Duro Canyon" as the canyon's was his passion to over look and hike the mountains as the sun shinning down on him as I know it is in heaven. And whatever God has my son doing in heaven you can bet that Allen is in charge.  Also, I have set a scholorship in Allen's name at Amarillo College. It's called the " Allen Machuca Occupational Therapy  Scholorship"  Allen was in Amarillo College and his major was Occupational Therapy.


In 2009- Allen attended Amarillo College for a short period of time. Allen had to put school on hold for awhile as we learned he developed a heart condition. But, this didn't stop Allen from doing what he loved.  This boy didn't believe in quiting. In fact he told me that if  he was going to "die"  he was going to die happy and doing what he most loved anything and everything.  And that Allen did, we always thought he was in-stoppable. This was the sumer that dad and I and sister had planned on relocating to Dallas, TX.  But, because of Allen's condition our plans were on hold. I didn't want to leave Amarillo until I knew Allen would be ok.  So luckly for us an apartment became vacant right across Allen's apt.  Boy, was I just happy for that.  But, Allen was like...uhhh ok are you for real mom!  For some reason he wasn't as thrilled as mom was....and we laugh as we remember he telling us "Mom, you better invite me and Brandon when you barbeque" and I replied "Allen, we are just moving across your apartment boy"....that boy was one of a kind!  And as we moved across from Allen on Monday the 13th, my sweet baby Allen passed away on Thursday the 16th.   



On July 16, 2009- Allen passed away in a very tragic accident.  I lost a big part of my life, my son.  And Allen's death has changed not only me but, many lives forever.  The day I buried my son, I also buried my heart...and my soul has been empty and lost sence.

Allen had always wanted a shirt of his own creation that said " I LIVE IN MY OWN LITTLE WORLD, AND PEOPLE LIKE ME THERE".   For myself, I am currently writing his life story titled "Allen's world".  And I hope in time, I can share his story as it is much more in depth and personal than what has been written.  I am writing what his death meant and has done to me and in hopes that some day I will be able to help others.  We tried to teach Allen how to live, and he taught us how to die.  I hope that when my time comes that I can be as fearless and ready as he was.  His wish was to meet God, I just didn't think it was going to be this soon.  When our hearts are in so much pain, it is easy to ask God why do you take a mother's  precious child.  Only God knows a broken heart, and see's beyond our eye's, so only God knows the answer and one day I will ask.

I know Allen is serving a much greater purpose for God beyond my understanding here on earth but, I live every day in hopes to someday understand "Why my child had to die".  So I hang on to Jesus hands with all I have until I make it home with my son again.  I love you my precious " Golden Boy" and you will forever live in my heart.  Thank you dear lord for the greatest gift of all, my son.  Allen, you are still my child, my angel and my life.  And if home is where my heart is, then I'm out of place.  And lord please give me the strength to make it some how, because I have never been more homesick than now. 

Allen, until I see you again, I carry you on my shoulder and one day I hope to soon show you. 



love you always, Mom






I have fought a good fight, I have finished my course, I have kept the faith.....Timothy  4:7















Février 17, 1989
Born in on February 17, 1989.
Juillet 16, 2009
Passed away on July 16, 2009.